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Newsletter - A guide
Newsletter - A guide
Updated over 2 months ago

In this guide, we will go through how to start your first email campaign! Since this is the first campaign, we will go through the important parts, you can find more advanced features by following the link here. To begin with, the account should be validated.

1. Create contact list.

Click on "Import all of your contacts".

You can import .txt or .csv files, add manually, or Copy/Paste your contacts. To correctly import data with special characters (åäö), it is important to import your contacts as a .CSV file.

Contact information and other personal information shared with you (e.g. First Name, Last Name, Phone Number, etc.).

If you wish to create new folders to more easily organize and segment your lists, click on the "Lists" tab.

Then, click on the drop-down menu, and select "Create a new folder". To create a list, click on the blue button "Add new list".

2. Complete your profile.

You only need to complete your profile the first time, but you can always edit this afterwards. Click on "Complete your profile".

You will then be directed to the page below. If you have not approved your email address, you will see a reminder highlighted in blue at the top of the page.

Make sure to check your email inbox and approve your email address, to send a new email just click on "Click here" in the notification.

*Make sure to enter correct information in all fields.

3. Now you're ready to create your first Campaign!

Step 1: Campaign start.

Campaign name: Name your campaign, this name is only visible to you and people with access to organize your campaigns. This is not shown to your customers.

Subject: The subject line is the most important part of the entire campaign. A good subject increases your open rates and acceptance (by preventing spam). Use a subject that clearly specifies your content.

From name: This is the name that appears in the recipient's inbox identifying you as the sender. Its function is to build trust with the recipient and increase the open rate. The default setting shows your company name, which appears in your profile as "[DEFAULT_FROM_NAME]" To change this, go to "Settings" within "Campaigns" and modify in "Default Settings".

Sender email: Helps your recipients identify you as the sender, this is as important as "From Name". The default setting is your account's email address. Don't forget that you can change the email address.

Step 2: Design your emails.

Remember: Your profile must be complete to send campaigns. You can choose between three different options to build your emails:

Drag & Drop Editor: Create a mobile-friendly (Responsive) email using the Drag & Drop function with Text, Images, Buttons, and other design elements, to create stylish emails.

Rich Text Editor: Create simple emails using the WYSIWYG (What-you-see-is-what-you-get) editor.

Paste your code: Paste your own HTML code, NOTE - Only for advanced users.

After you have saved and closed your campaign builder, you can view your email and send test emails.

Step 3: Choose your recipients.

Now you can choose which contacts should receive your email. You can also add search filters (for example new Customers) and Exclude recipients, to more easily choose your recipients. To validate the account you must choose more than 10 recipients.

Step 4: Send or schedule your campaign. You now have three choices:

Send it now: Send the campaign with immediate effect (NOTE - Your first campaign will not be sent until the account is verified).

Schedule for a specific time; Schedule for a specific time, you get to choose this below.

Send it at the best time: Choose a date you wish to send, the tool then helps to choose the most optimal time for the mailing.

Done. Congratulations! You have now correctly completed all the steps to send your first campaign.

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