There are two options to upload your files to Miss Hosting.
The first is, File Manager:
You can upload your files directly via cPanel using the file manager. File Manager is a web interface that allows you to manage all the files related to your account.
NOTE: There is a 500 MB upload limit via the file manager. If you need to upload a larger file, you can use FTP.
The second is, FTP programs:
We recommend that you use an so-called FTP program, there are several out there, but we recommend that you use Filezilla, it is completely free and can be downloaded directly here:
To connect via FTP, use the details that you received in the email "Your new web hosting account"
Host: (replace XX with the numbers stated in the email)
Username: Same as for cPanel/control panel (stated in the email)
Password: Same as for cPanel/control panel (stated in the email)
Port: 21 In this case, we have chosen as an example